My friend from Stuyvesant asks:
"What would you say is the essential thing that makes it re-pitchable? isn't it the same thing that makes it pitchable in the first place (i.e. it's just really good?)"
I explain further:
The meaning of "re-pitchable" has less to do with the quality of the project itself and more to do with the functional elements of the pitch itself (quotes, gimmicks, twists, jokes, the "hook" etc.) that your exec can mimic when re-pitching your project to his superiors.
Without these elements you're at the mercy of too many variables:
Since we're Stuy nerds, here's the equation:
(the quality of the project) x (your ability to communicate it in that moment) x (that exec's understanding in that moment) x (that exec's ability to reduce his understanding to a pitch for his bosses) = pitch viability
But with "re-pitchable" awareness you can give that exec well-crafted & repeatable lines he can simply parrot.
Don't trust the exec to understand and then come up with his own pitch. Arm him with the pitch elements that you already approve of (since you deliberately crafted them to be "re-pitchable").
Does that make sense?
Or did I not make this explanation "re-pitchable"?