Corpania Ideas

CAVEAT! I'm an amateur philosopher and idea-generator. I am NOT an investment professional. Don't take any of my advice before consulting with an attorney and also a duly licensed authority on finance. Seriously, this my personal blog of random ideas only for entertainment purposes. Don't be an idiot.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

There is no existential threat to America (including Radical Islam)

I am not the first to say that - "There is no existential threat to America, including Radical Islam." Remember the Sherlock Holmes reference - "THE DOG THAT DIDN'T BARK"? Surely, you're aware of how pathetic our security is at airports. The GAO reported November 15th,2007 how easy it is to sneak bombs and bomb parts onto an airplane in the U.S. All 19 out of 19 airports tested had their security completely breached! This is no secret. All our enemies know this. To be overly fair to the counter-argument, let's assume that 99% of attempts to get bombs on planes are intercepted by security (btw - That's a fantastically high number. Various previous reports show 25% or more get through. And given enough attempts all airports have proven terrifyingly beatable.) So if you're an enemy of America and 9/11 proved so damaging, then you would keep attacking the vulnerable spots. To take down 100 planes would require 10,000 people (assuming 99% are caught). Sincere there are over 1 billion Muslims, that would only require 1/1,000 of 1% of their population!!! The planes haven't been blown up. THAT'S THE DOG THAT DIDN'T BARK! What's more 30,000+ Americans commit suicide every year (that's 1/100 of 1%) and 500,000 attempt suicide every year (that's 1/6 of 1%). If Muslims have approximately the same rates of suicide, then recruiting suicide bombers (just among those who already want to kill themselves anyway) should be shockingly easy. CONCLUSION: Sure, a bomb could get through and blow up a city. But the odds are massively, exponentially higher that you'll die of something much more prosaic. So don't fear attacks in the U.S. and stop wasting money on war & defense that create enemies. Remember that most everyone on the planet just wants to live their own lives, feed their kids and survive. Let's say you're the president of the U.S.A. : 1) If you do nothing wrong there's still some chance that the psychos who have messed-up, untreated brain chemistry problems will still try to kill Americans. 2) If you make America appear selfish and immoral then that group gets bigger because the borderline mentally-ill with propensities towards violence will "join their cause". 3) If you attack a sympathetic victim, then that group gets bigger still because then the "righteous" who have little to lose will join their cause. 4) If you attack someone's country then that group gets even bigger because the patriots and standing armies join the fight. 5) If you kill someone's neighbor or friend then even those who tend to be pacifists will be more likely to quit their job & leave their family to "defend their homeland". 6) Finally, if you kill a member of someone's family then the odds that they'll want to kill you skyrocket which is why... "WAR BEGETS WAR."

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